"Not every golfer has the same build, strength, or athletic ability so it's unrealistic to think that we should teach golfers the same way. I do not teach a strict method, but I do have a system. This allows me to look at certain positions of the golf swing and to diagnose what the student could improve on. Remember, there is not a one size fits all in golf. The ultimate judge of the golf swing is the golf ball. The whole goal is to hit solid, desirable shots that last under pressure. 

There is more than a pretty looking swing to playing good golf. There are different aspects of the game that include the full swing, short game, mental game, and management game. This 25% Theory is an idea I learned from Jim McLean. Improving your scores, involves improving each aspect of your game. The most underrated in my opinion is the ability to manage one's game on the course. The art of playing the game can be one of the most critical when it comes down to shooting lower scores." 
